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Jimmy Redenius
Родился вCalifornia
32 years
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Danny Bolling powerful force October 7, 2012
Danny Bolling

I knew your son.What a powerful force in many peoples lives !!I did not know he had got his wings.Much respect and love to your family.

Franklin Willburn a very good soul June 17, 2012


Franklin Willburn April 23 at 3:45am Report

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of a good friend and a kindred spirit. I have been gone so long i did not know about this, and I am feelin like it just happened. I remember his fire and humor all wrapped into one. I will miss him greatly. I have many good memories of him growin up. My heart goes out to you.


I received this e mail on April 23, 2010 Subject read: He was a very good soul

Sabrina Jim Ozzfest June 6, 2012
I always think first to one year at shoreline amp. at the OZZFEST second stage,. i lived in santa rosa at the time so @ 1998or1999 i see Jimmy in the crowd,. surfing and having a blast ~ everytime the bouncer pulled him out for surfing the crowd JIM would just yell BE RIGHT BACK<>> Hahahaahhh about 10 , 15 mins. later He be back, Smiling as big as ever,. it was great ~ love that boy. ;>> love you Shirley Silva. ♥
daniels momma
Thinking of you always ..stay close to your mom !! love to you both xoxoxo
Aunt Shelley
Oh my Jimmy, I miss you so much. So many things in a day remind me of you. Mid just told me yesterday your a lazy lazy housewife guess who we were thinking about. I have been looking at old pictures when you were a baby. Oh how cute you were and what a handsome man you grew up to be! The loss of you has devestated us all we will never get past it we will only learn to live with it cuz we don't have a choice. I hope it is true that you are looking down on us and that you hear me talking to you and telling you how much I love and miss you. If we could only bring you back home where you belong!! Your memory will live in my  forever. Love always, Aunt Shelley
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