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Jimmy Redenius
Nacido enCalifornia
32 years
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Árbol Genealógico
Nicky Happy 4th of July July 3, 2009

Barb/Nicky's MOM Happy 4th of July July 3, 2009

Aunt Shelley Missin Jimmy July 2, 2009

My daughter was at the gas station with her girls and they asked her why she had to shut the car off when she was getting gas. She told them cuz they would blow up, her 4 year old said well if we blow up to the sky I can pick Jimmy up and bring him back home.  We all miss him so much. I love you big guy and will never ever get over you being gone.

Bette - Timmy Clark's mom Happy 4th of July July 1, 2009

HappyJuly4thlittlechild.gif picture by bclark95

Mom July 4th June 26, 2009
Teresa Mom to Angel Justin Lindley June 25, 2009
Barb/Nicky's MOM Happy Father's Day June 20, 2009

Teresa Mom to Angel Justin Lindley June 12, 2009
Teresa Mom to Angel Justin Lindley June 2, 2009
Laura & AV Happy Birthday Jimmy June 2, 2009

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