Jimmy Allen Redenius - Site Memorial Online

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Jimmy Redenius
Nascido emCalifornia
32 years
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Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow.Mahatma Gandhi

This memorial website was created to remember my son Jimmy Redenius who was born in California on June 2, 1975 and murdered on December 16, 2007. Jimmy you will live forever in our memories and hearts.
Jimmy what a character he was always doing something to entertain his friends, always a crazy story to tell. Jim would ride his street bike like there was no tomorrow, guess that was a good thing because now there is no tomorrow for my Jimmy. Always the dare devel stunnin on his bike or just doing something crazy.  Loved and missed by so many cousins, aunts, uncles, his nana Shirley and many, many friends. Espically missed by his little girl Sandra and his Mom.

Jim was not only my son but my best friend.

So hard to believe it has been 8 years since I have seen your smile. I love you Jim with all my heart.

Hard to believe this will be your 7th Birthday in Heaven you should be here with us to party on your 39th Birthday. I love you son

In Loving Memory on your Angel Day 12/16/12
I love you Jimmy

I love you Jimmy, Happy 37th Birthday

Christmas 2012


Aunt Sis,

Jimmy loved you so much it was easy to see,
His mom and best friend you just happened to be.
He went from that little boy with blonde hair and fair skin,
To the biggest and badest and manliest of men.
But to find a more loving, kinder dad,
Well the answer is, you’re not.
And this kind of love is learned and not taught.
So be proud of yourself and be proud of your son,
You raised him on your own and you raised a great one.

I love you!
Love Jamie



Ride on My Jim




Happy 35th Birthday Jimmy I love you son




Jimmy havin fun at Frank Shamrock's BD Party





 Happy Birthday Jim!! I love you with all my heart Mom 



Galeria rápida
Jim's Garden Jim's Mom (me) Jim's Memorial Bench Jim's Memorial Marker a legend on one wheel2 24 Jim wheelie Brittany 5 Josh 024 Jim age 8 months Tony Billy